Tuesday, 3 October 2017

WhatsApp Introduces its own Emoji set

We’ve seen lots of update rolled out to WhatsApp in the past few months and now, another update has been rolled out to WhatsApp beta which will soon be available to all normal WhatsApp users. WhatsApp latest update brings its own emoji set.

Prior to that, WhatsApp has always used iOS' emoji designs and fonts in all of its apps. Whether you're on iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Symbian, or desktop, you would see the same emojis independent of your device's built-in emojis.

WhatsApp has finally break the shackles and now have its very own emoji. Though the emoji looks very much like iOS and Android Ore emojis. The eyes and mouths of the smileys are one of the differences. The animal emoji are all facing different direction. The update is available for its latest Android beta v2.17.364.

Below are some of the before and after emoji

Another addition is the support for Emoji 5.0, the latest version approved by Unicode and it includes fantasy emojis. 

This is a cool move by WhatsApp couple with the facts that lots of updates has been rolling out which includes picture-in-picture video calling available to those on Android 8.0 oreo, text-only-status, and currently work in progress Verified Business Account.

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