Monday 5 February 2018

Android 9.0 To Feature Support For Call Recording

This is just a tip off the iceberg, Android 9.0 (Android P) is already in works and the first developer preview is closed to being finalized and will likely feature native support for call recording both on the receivers and caller ends.

Some code has been added to AOSP(Android Open Source Project) by Google’s engineers references the existence of a “call recording tone” that would presumably be played once users press the corresponding button in order to start recording their conversation. 

The tone itself is said to be of the 1,400Hz variety, meaning people of all ages should be able to hear it without any issues, with one of the commits referring to it revealing that it’s meant to be played every 15 seconds while the conversation is being recorded, presumably as to remind the person who didn’t initiate the recording that it’s still participating in one.

In as much as we are yet to experience Android 8 Oreo to the fullest, Android 9 is already knocking at the door. If your Android device doesn’t support any updates, doesn’t update or has no hope of updating, then you are long way from home.

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